JSE Listed Capital Appreciation acquires 100 percent of Synthesis

On 16th February 2017, JSE listed Capital Appreciation Limited (“CTA”) announced that agreements have been concluded to acquire 100 percent of Synthesis Software Technologies (“Synthesis”), subject to certain conditions precedent. Following the acquisition Synthesis, a highly specialised software development, consulting and integration services company, will remain an independent operating entity within the Capital Appreciation Group. […]

The Synthesis Way: Beyond Manufacturing

The Manufacturing Delusion refers to a systemic, industry-wide misconception about design and delivery of software. Namely that software is a commodity no different than any other coming off of a factory production line, such as a car or kitchen appliance. Almost everyone in the industry falls prey to this misconception and most would argue that […]

What’s Strategy got to do with IT?


Working in a Software Development environment one is not in close proximity to the decision makers and strategist of the business. To the developers in the trenches, when you mention the word strategy, the first thought is – what does strategy have to do with me? I am writing this application for which I have […]

Agile Software Architecture – Becoming Super Agile

Agile Architecture

You’ve adopted Agile? Great! Over the last few years, there has been a huge movement from the sequential Waterfall process towards a more flexible Agile approach. The question is: Has your software architecture followed suit? The “agile” in software architecture has similar connotations to the “agile” in Agile methodology meaning it can respond quickly to […]

Are the days of a free Internet limited?

We are all used to free services on the internet such as Wikipedia and Facebook, services which continually need to either attract donations, as in the case of Wikipedia, or else advertising revenue, as in the case of Facebook. What if we were instead charged a fraction of a cent each time we made use […]

How strategic is your reporting solution?

The Synthesis team developed txstreamFINSURV to give you, our clients, a truly strategic reporting solution.  Many of you have been feeling way too much heat for far too long and it might be time for you to take a step back and revisit your approach to regulatory reporting. You told us your requirements. We listened. […]

Once upon a time, there were clearing houses…

The payments industry is about to go through a mammoth change, a change that forever will associate the word “Tsunami” with “Disruptive Technology” in the minds of those impacted. Jobs will be lost and jobs will be made. Decade old companies will fall and new ones will be born. This change is “blockchain” and it […]

Tax free account reporting – IT3(s)

What are tax free accounts? In November 2014 the National Treasury published the draft Notice and Regulations required for tax free savings accounts. The implementation date of this product class is 1 March 2015 and the primary aim is to encourage South Africans to save. Tax free savings accounts allow for flexible contributions (i.e. no […]

Six steps for simplified regulatory reporting

Learn more about automated reporting. While regulatory reporting for cross-border transactions may appear straightforward, it has hidden complexities and consequences for authorized dealers. This complexity can be simplified with a clear vision that takes your business’s clients and overall processes into account. The regulator requires all people who transfer to or receive money from overseas […]